Samuel Beckett's Favorite Teen Movie*
Zander and I have had the pleasure of working with Walden Media recently to produce educational books that coincide with Walden's films. Walden is the company behind movies like the Narnia series, Holes, and Aliens of the Deep, and they have a deep commitment to educating students about the science and history behind their films.
For example, when Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D came out recently, Walden hired us to design and illustrate a 20-page booklet that explained everything from earth science to Jules Verne to how 3D optics work. The film clearly has little to do with reality, so these booklets -- printed and mailed out to schools across the US -- serve as a nice educational supplement.
Anyway, we recently wrapped up a book for Bandslam, Walden's new teen rock & roll coming of age comedy. Our book explores the history of American music as well as the history of recorded sound and spotlights of various musicians. So if you're looking for something to do this weekend, why not go see Bandslam in theatres? I doubt that anyone reading our blog (with the exception of Shad) is into teen dramedies, but I've read the script for this one and it's actually really funny, and the soundtrack is supposed to be pretty great. I haven't see the final cut yet, but Rotten Tomatoes has it hovering around 80%, which bodes well.
Journey to the Center of the Earth


* ... And I'll give a prize to anyone who can make sense of the title of the blog post.
Labels: Walden Media