Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Pink Hobo Wins L'Etoile's Heart

Congrats Pink Hobo! L'Etoile has named you best new gallery of 2009. But you already knew that, because you mentioned it on the Twitter.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

"A Time to Thrill" on Top Shelf 2.0

Pink Hobo gallery is currently exhibiting a show of Pinewood Derby art cars. Unfortunately I missed the opening, but it looks like it was a ton of fun, as evidenced by this late night race and this eye-popping portrait. My contribution does not have moving wheels, unfortunately, so it had to sit on the shelf during the race. Or maybe Tim and Curtis threw it around like a football. I don't know. Anyway, playing off the ultra-cheesy theme that every car has a story inside of it, I decided to literally fill my derby car with a stream of consciousness mini comic, which you can read more about in the next paragraph.

"A Time to Thrill" is an automobile-themed comic strip I drew on eleven slabs of painted balsa wood. Unfortunately, when I joined all the slabs together to form a car-shaped sculpture, the world lost the ability to actually read the comic.

Until now.

Top Shelf 2.0 -- an online library of awesome mini-comics and serialized comics, updated daily -- has posted the complete comic! Go check it out! And then go check out the actual car at Pink Hobo in NE Minneapolis while the show is still running!

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Pinewood Derby at Pink Hobo -- THIS SATURDAY!

I was never in Boy Scouts as a kid, but I would have considered joining had I known that they get to sit around and race cars all day. The only thing I had was Odyssey of the Mind competitions, where we had to use teamwork and teacher supervision to build a car to solve some sort of science problem. The only problem I wanted to solve was how to kick the competition's ASS. And I wanted to do it ALONE.

That's why the new show at Pink Hobo Gallery is so rewarding. Twenty years out of elementary school and I finally have a legitimate excuse to build and race a car. Granted, I ended up going the artsy-fartsy route and built a car with non-functioning wheels. But the rest of the cars will be racing. And there will be cheering. And screaming. And blood. Well, maybe not blood, but there will definitely be wine.


PLACE: Pink Hobo Gallery
ADDRESS: 507 East Hennepin Ave, Mpls, MN
DATE: Saturday, September 19, 2009
TIME: 7pm (Race starts at 10pm)
