Just Like Gramps

There is nothing better than writing a script using a typewriter font.
Now if someone could write a program that gives my keyboard the loud CLACK CLACK CLACK I'd be set for life.
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Fax machines are the last holdouts of a previous generation of technology. With email capable of sending higher-resolution pictures faster, with un-garbled text and a searchable and organizable system for telling who it came from, fax machines have been completely left in the dust, capabilities-wise. Why do they hold on? My theory is that the immediateness of the piece of paper printing out of the machine means you can deal with it in the real world, instead (if it's not your thing) of being on the computer, dinking around with computer things. That makes sense for places like Auto Repair Garages or something like that. It's standardized. So I get it.
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Going on a long car trip? Working late on a project? Hanging around with some friends? Let's play some Classic Rock Bingo!
Labels: Games, I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have an IWSWI idea? Send a description and drawing to info [at] bigtimeattic.com, and include "IWSWI" in the subject line.
I like coffee in bed a lot, but not as much as my wife.
The PROBLEM--whose gonna get out of bed to get it.
I think you know the answer to this. Why would I want to invent such a thing if I had a coffee-bearing spouse?
So, the INVENTION, which would allow us both to be happily bedded and caffeinated, goes like this.
Combine the moving-about qualities of a Roomba, with the Timed-Ahead qualiteis of your average automated coffee pot. At a preset time, it could roll into your room, announce itself in a whistle or two, and then shoosh out a couple lattes, or green tea, if that's your preference, or even cocoa. I can imagine add-ons/upgrades that would allow for a bagel toaster and a cream-cheese drawer, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Hell, yes. They already have stuff like this: lil' droid butlers that scurry around with cocktail trays on their heads. All I want is one to come to my bed, in the morning, with the hot beverage of my choice, and sing sweet-morning lullabyes to me. Is that too much to ask?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
I am fortunate to live in the great state of Minnesota, which boasts the best public radio system in the country. For you out-of-towners, Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is a three-headed [loveable] beast: 91.1 KNOW is non-stop news and information (except for Saturday night, which is a newsless black hole of Prairie Home Companion and jazz), 99.5 KSJN plays classical music and broadcasts the Met opera every Saturday afternoon, and 89.3 the Current is like listening to your cool friend's iPod.
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
** UPDATE **
3/13/07: MindHacks.com has a write-up on a commercial biosignal reader from g.MOBIlab. Now all someone has to do is make it play music!
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
Have you ever thought about an invention that maybe YOU can't make, but it sure would be nice if someone else did?
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent