Zander and Kevin's Inks inspired Frank Miller!
** UPDATE ** We forget to mention the most important part of the story -- that Shad Petosky of Puny caught this bizarre error. However, I don't know what's worse, that our picture was put into the Spirit DVD featurette or that Shad was watching the Spirit in the first place! Anyway, good eyes, Shad!
On the extra DVD features of Frank Miller's movie The Spirit, there is a section in which he talks about his influences. As he inevitably talks about Jack Kirby, there are long panning shots of several Kirby pages. Someone wasn't on their toes, though, because one of the pages was this one...

...which Kevin and I inked for a Flickr pool in which Adam Koford dared artists to ink better than Vince Colletta. My side (the right side) is very similar to Kirby's classic style, but even a cursory glance will tell you that Kevin's left side is not. Not even on Kirby's weirdest day did he put Xs on the eyes of an unconscious character.
A clip of the video is here:
While I scratched my head in wonder, Kevin pointed out that this image on our website was a healthy 1500 pixels wide; better than most images of Kirby art on the web.
Here's the original on our office wall, where it's been hanging for the past two years:

Labels: Sketch Challenge
Ha ha! I truly think that's hilarious.
Way to go guys!? Keep up the great work!? : )
That's a riot! Congratulations!
Isn't it nice knowing that you explode with adolescent power?
You were everything frank miller wanted drawing to be. who do I blame for Frank Millers out-put for the last decade--Kevin? Zander?
My world has just imploded...
I apologize for posting off-topic, but I just finished reading Top Ten Season Two, and WHAT IS GOING ON???
Who killed the girls and dropped them in the fountain? Why did Slipstream keep forgetting about Dead-Eye? What was in the sealed envelope? What happened with Lloyd Colby?
I thought Season Two was a four-issue miniseries. Please tell me I was misinformed and there is another issue (or three) coming out that will resolve these threads!
Don't leave me hanging!
Jason Powell
Can I borrow your time machine?
Jason-- The sales of the Top 10 Special will determine if Top 10 will continue. You can find more at our blog post about it here:
Top Ten Continuing?
You mean Top Ten had better live up to its title, or it may be curtains!!??!
This is a great goof. Free publicity on a DVD! Wooo!
You know people will bring pitchforks and torches to your studio if they think you all infuenced the creation of that terrible movie...
Has anyone checked the credits? There's a chance we may have written the screenplay, too.
Amazing. I bow before your time-traveling awesomeness.
Kevin, no one wrote that screenplay.
How about you two guys doing an article on Vince Colletta now that you've walked a mile in his shoes? I estimate that it probably took Vinnie an hour to ink that page.
That is epic hilarity. I remember that Flickr challenge. I only managed to do the second panel.
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