Ghost Comics Release Party!

Ed Choy Moorman is throwing a book release party for his Xeric-winning anthology, GHOST COMICS, and you're invited.
I've got a four page story called The Architecturons inside, and other contributors include Zak Sally, Will Dinski, Sarah Morean, Jeffrey Brown, John Hankiewicz, John Porcellino, Reynold Kissling... and too many more to name. Actually, the complete list is here.
Ghost Comics Book Release Party
Sat. May 23, 4 PM
(Signing / event begins)
5 PM bands start
8:30 PM movie screening (bring a blanket!)
Arise! Bookstore backyard
2441 Lyndale Ave. S., MPLS MN
All Ages & FREE!
The Xeric Award-winning Ghost Comics: A Benefit Anthology for RS Eden will be unveiled.
Artist signing 4-5 PM, bands at 5, movie at 8:30 (bring a blanket!)
All proceeds from Ghost Comics benefit local substance abuse treatment facility RS Eden.
Featuring music by:
Bla Bla Blacksheep
Lambs of God
the Ex-Lovers
Teenage Moods

Labels: Architecturons
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