Welcome Back, Zander! (and other updates...)
Happy to say that Zander, Julie, and Jin have arrived safely back from Korea.

I hope he's rested, because he's returning to a BTA in the middle of a big deadline. And as the solo guy at the Attic the past week I have failed at my blogging duties. So here's a concise summary of things I should have blogged about recently but failed to:

Our good friend and Bone Sharps author Jim Ottaviani has a blog!
If you can't get enough science-inspired comics by Jim, you're in luck. Jim and Sean Bieri are collaborting on a serial called "Better Zombies Through Physics."

Britt Aamodt explains why all the kids are flocking to St. Paul to get their comics fix: Hot Ink.
Missed the opening party? The Minnesota Museum of American Art has a gallery of photos on their website.

This December 23 marks the release of Zander's and my second full-length graphic novel, The Stuff of Life. And even though the entire book is obsessed with sex*, Stuff has been nominated for a YALSA! You can read more here. Every year YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) compiles a list of the best graphic novels for teens. The final list will be announced this spring.
* Okay, by "sex" we mean "genetics and DNA" ... but it's still hot.

Fellow Grinnellian Eli Zigas and I recently won a spot in the Union of Concerned Scientists annual calendar -- we're April 2009! You can get your own copy here.
Welcome back, Zander and Julie! And can I call you Uncle Kevin now?
Both Uncle or Unky work fine.
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