Reviews: Broken Frontier and Playboy
First up, a Far Arden "inter-review" on Broken Frontier. Find out where the term "Far Arden" came from!

Also, we knew it wouldn't be long before Tim Sievert graced the pages of Playboy!

First up, a Far Arden "inter-review" on Broken Frontier. Find out where the term "Far Arden" came from!
From Wikipedia:
The Forest of Arden is stated by Shakespeare to be the setting for As You Like It. However, since the play is also set in France, it should not necessarily be thought of as taking place in a real forest in Arden. (According to the Oxford Shakespeare, Shakespeare's "Forest of Arden" is likely to be an anglicisation of the French Ardennes forest.)
Maybe that's where the Morrison lyric came from? I know not.
Who is this "Shakespeare" ?
Wow: The Broken Frontier article refers to Far Arden as, "a masterpiece of graphic literature . . . easily the equal of Jeff Smith's Bone in art and story alike". Now that's a good dust jacket quote for the second edition.
I still like your interview with Oprah the best.
I like to think of myself as the moon, reflecting her sunlight.
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