I Wish Someone Would Invent: The Coffee Roomba
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Reader David Bernardy from Chapel Hill writes:
I like coffee in bed a lot, but not as much as my wife.
The PROBLEM--whose gonna get out of bed to get it.
I think you know the answer to this. Why would I want to invent such a thing if I had a coffee-bearing spouse?
So, the INVENTION, which would allow us both to be happily bedded and caffeinated, goes like this.
Combine the moving-about qualities of a Roomba, with the Timed-Ahead qualiteis of your average automated coffee pot. At a preset time, it could roll into your room, announce itself in a whistle or two, and then shoosh out a couple lattes, or green tea, if that's your preference, or even cocoa. I can imagine add-ons/upgrades that would allow for a bagel toaster and a cream-cheese drawer, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Hell, yes. They already have stuff like this: lil' droid butlers that scurry around with cocktail trays on their heads. All I want is one to come to my bed, in the morning, with the hot beverage of my choice, and sing sweet-morning lullabyes to me. Is that too much to ask?
Thanks, David!
Labels: I Wish Someone Would Invent
before the bagel part, i would like a forklift to get me from bed.and if it could perhaps make the baby's cereal, it would be sweet.
fabulous idea!!!
Why not just put small coffee maker on your nightstand? lol
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