Far Arden: Chapter Thirteen (part one)
I'll be the first to admit that I've been a real putz lately when it comes to FA. Chapter Thirteen is a big fatty 48-pager, so I thought I'd post the first half instead of making you wait another month for the whole thing.
If there are any readers left, please enjoy.

Read Chapter Thirteen (part one).
Start from the beginning.
Labels: Far Arden, Online Comics
You just made my day! Thank you!
"If there are any readers left." You're funny!
AARRRGH! Cliffhanger!!!!!
I had some free time yesterday and read it start to cliffhanger. It made me realize what I really like about your comics is their subtle otherworldly quality, it reminds me of Terry Gilliam or David Foster Wallace.
Which is to say that it's fantastic.
Thanks everyone!
Greetings from down under! I'd just like to say that your work is magnificent and Far Arden is beautifuly tragic. Some day I wish to be as fantastic an artist as you.
Just read through Far Arden and it's a fantastic tale, beautifully drawn. I grew quite attached to those you killed off but I'm sure it's all character building.
Please keep it up, if I see any of your work for sale anywhere, I'll buy it immediately on general principles.
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