Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Zander's 24-Hour Comic Online!

I'm not quite as on-the-ball as Kevin is, but here's my 24-hour comic, The Caterpillar Space Force of Robots, in glorious black and white.

I do 24-hour comics as close to the original concept as I possibly can: I don't plan out what the story will be beforehand, write anything, or design characters. Partly this is to stick to the rules; partly it's to keep me (and others) from having high expectations for the story.

At the starting bell, I draw a Pictionary card from the box and use the five words that are on it to launch the story. Sometimes I do know what kind of story I want to tell, (this year I wanted to do a space adventure story) and that does help focus my efforts, but I never think about characters or plot until I draw that card.

This year's comic was pretty grueling compared to previous years, in that I had no idea where the story was going from page to page. I was almost halfway through before I had any ideas of how to conclude it, and so I was not that amped about the story anyway. Reading it now, it's not that bad. Kind of funny. Pretty random.

The Pictionary Card words were:


Enjoy! Click on image below to start the madness:

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At 11:45 PM, Blogger bewilderedkid said...

I remember you being disappointed when you finished this. I felt the same about my comic, but after putting it aside for a few days and then coming back to it, I felt that it wasn't horrible.
Your comic, however, I think is great! It's a 24 Hour Comic, done in true 24 Hour Comic fashion, with a great build-up to the joke "touch-butt."
Nicely done.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Brittney Sabo said...

Zander, that was awesome! I never thought I'd see you write 'butt-touch', but now I did, and it was awesome.

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Kevin Cannon said...

I can't wait until our next convention when screaming fans beg you to "touch your butt and say it."

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Donn Ha said...

That was terrific! Although the guy with the fat nose reminds me of me...

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Austin said...

That was 1001110-ing brilliant.

At 3:32 AM, Anonymous logossun said...

Hi Zander!
Glad you're still kicking good ideas around!
I've been looking at your work from the start, or at least I thought that's what Replacement God was; is there any way I could contact you about commission work/purchase of Replacement God sketches or pages?
Please let me know at
Thanx in advance - and here's hoping you pick up RG again!
Denis Pajtak, Croatia


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