Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Burlesque design goes public TONIGHT
Wes Winship is easily one of the most self-motivated people I've ever met and he and his Burlesque Design cohorts, along with studio-mates Amy Jo, and Lonny Unitus have created an all-new gallery in Minneapolis. The opening is TONIGHT/Friday the 29th and is the place you want to be to see the open range side of the Minneapolis art scene.
It's a "friends" show which features a lot of our friends as well...Cartoonist Zak Sally, Lonny Unitus, Tooth, Amy Jo, Aesthetic Apparatus, and King Mini. It's bound to be a great time and I'll need a ride home.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Are you wondering what exactly we were doing for the most part between February and April earlier this year? Well, we were working on this awesome game for a company called Magnecote, the makers of magnetic paper. The game is called 'Magnecote Superpitch', and you can play it at the Superpitch Website. (ps- turn your volume up!)
Heres some of the drawings and designs we used for the game, which you wouldn't normally get to see.
We would start out with a pencil sketch of the character we were creating, then we would outline it in pen or marker of make the lines darker.

Then, we'd take the scanned-in, inked drawings and do this collage-look style by pasting in textures on layers in photoshop. I'd go so far as to say 'neat-o'.

Heres some of the other sketches from the innitial stages of the game...

Here's a shot of the mini breakdancing game we made too, and programmed! It's a pixel-art masterpiece. To get to it in the Magnecote game, make sure you have the character '40 going on 16' on the stage, have ground foggers, then lasers, and press m during the laser sequence.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Fearless Filmmakers Event
My animated short film "Dealing with Women" is going to be shown tonight at the Riverview Theater in Minneapolis along with 8 other local films. There's going to be a Q&A with the filmmakers afterwards and I'm going to need some serious emotional support, so it'd be nice if a lot of people came and pretended to like my movie.
Here's a postcard of the event details:

Or just watch my short here for free:
Labels: Conventions
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
ID Design Annual

Ready, Sit, Read, the site we did a whole bunch o' design and animation for with Ham In The Fridge is featured in the the ID Magazine Design Annual.
Listen to this!:
"When you compare this to other sites for kids, it's just miles ahead," said Hirschfeld of this Target-sponsored online book-club. "The animation is great—it feels like an interactive cartoon." The site includes lovingly illustrated features such as a book-club name and logo generator.....
Monday, September 25, 2006
24 hour comics day

Zander and I participated in the 24 hour comics day event this past weekend. Here's my contribution. There's some swearing in it, if you care about that kind of stuff.
Labels: 24 hr comics, Online Comics
Sunday, September 24, 2006
but we're hungry NOW
The burger and pizza joints we've been designing are both opening very soon. Here's the first look at burgers...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Black Bear Video
Here's the video that the bear picture in the last post was taken from. There have been a lot of bears in the valley this year, though this one was climbing up the mountain.
Montana Photos
I'm in Montana for a couple weeks and having a great ol' time. I have really spotty internet/mobile service but assure everyone that I'm still alive. Here are some photos...

Grandma S in her flowers. Grandma has always had incredible gardens and vegetables..she's growing grapes in Montana.

Deer on Turner land.

Grandpa E on our Peter's Ridge ATV ride.

Grandpa E on tractor.

Grandpa V with an important message.

No blogs without cats..Grandpa V wanted some photos of the cats around his place. He's a tough art director.

More cat

Forest fire

A hiker in the fire timber, we ended up giving her a ride up to the pass, she lives a few miles away from us in Minneapolis.

Avalanche Gorge

Avalanche Gorge

Black Bear in the road.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Literally, a bevy of photographs
Here, to get you through the weekend, are some fun "photo"-graphs:
My brother Sean moved to college last week. We make it official over a pack of Trident White to represent his clean break from his suburban high school life.

Sean tries to do his own laundry.

Back at work, Zander, Britt and I pulled an all nighter a few weeks ago. We kept awake by playing "The KQ Challenge." Each player picked the three artists they thought KQRS (a local classic rock station) would play first. Sorry, The Current, you were too static-y that night!

Britt got off to an early lead when the VERY FIRST SONG was one of her bands, the Rolling Stones.

Not only did they play Bob Seger, but they played THE LIVE VERSION OF TRAVELIN' MAN!!!!

But in the end, Zander won. Thanks a lot, Clear Channel random song generator.

Members of BTA congregated in the sound studio recently to record voices for an upcoming political short. In a dramatic recreation of television's Home Improvement, Jason gave Zander some "sound" advice about audio engineering and life. Later, Zander recounted the advice to his wife, but he jumbled up the words.

Zander practices for his American Idol audition.

The best b-day gift ever, this creation of Julia's has caused much friction around the office due to its high demand as a personal m&m dispenser.

Finally, Britt and Tim spend a quiet Saturday racing to see who can finish their graphic novel first.

Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Screen Printing
We've lifted the blanket of moldy ink, cat urine, and crusty oiled positives off of the basement screen printing studio so it can slumber no longer! Kicking off the revival is a Rock & Roll poster for King Mini's Poster Division.
I've been jonesing to print for a while and it was as exciting as it ever was. The guy who built my house was a wood worker, Burma Shave sign-painter, rock hound, and fur trapper and my basement screams craft. Being down there working makes me feel like part of a handicraft legacy far removed from urban/digital life. A little vacation.
BTA isn't planning on doing any prints but Max has the studio booked for a hand-pulled Commune promotional poster and King Mini has all sorts of things planned now that he's...well...back.

We need a drying rack! They're expensive new...if anyone sees one used...send it our way.

Vinny sets a sheet for the second color.
There are details of the art on theKing Mini Blog.