Today is Julia's Birthday...

While "My Three Bosses" gradually catches up with speedy reality, let Big Time Attic introduce you to another kind of comic I care about: the actual comic book.
Recently brought home from Target's Juvenile Recreation aisle, we're proud to publicly announce the latest member of the BTA family: Junior Slam. He's definitely made the working environment around here a special, special place.
Well, as with most Tuesdays, we had another meeting about the ladder. I guess in the end it was productive, but I really don't see why it needs to come up so often.
Labels: Conventions
Max and I are set to have a dynamite presentation tonight at Flash MN (see previous post for details). Here are some shots of us rehearsing:
Typically on my own birthday (Jan. 30), I spend a few moments trying to deduce whether I've got something in common with the past notables who share that day. Lately, I've feared it's impossible. I have neither the the tenacity of Franklin Roosevelt, the stern focus of Gene Hackman, nor the artistic vision of Phil Collins. But on the birthday of BTA, I've taken up the challenge again. I know there's something that can be threaded together between our fellow August-eleventhers, and that can shed light on our own destiny and traits as a company.
Two apologies up-front: [a] this is entirely personal and non-BTA-related, and [b] depending on your own experiences, this may be so trivial as to be disappointing. But, for me, I've never had a car that actually survived to 200K, so I'm feeling pumped right about now. Here's photographic evidence as of five minutes ago that, despite its faults (and brush-ins with thievery), I love what this li'l fourteen-year-old econo-box can do.
Well, here we are at Wizard World Chicago, in the year of 2006. We had a grande ole' time last night staying at BTA's friend, Donn Ha's, house. We had pancakes and watched V for Vendetta and it was all pretty neat. The drive down wasn't too bad either, and traffic was mild, and spirits were high as evident in these pictures.
Labels: Conventions
It took us longer than we thought but we're ready to move the electronic stuff into the new space tomorrow. YAY!
That's right! Tomorrow, Kevin, Zander, and Britt will cram themselves into Kevin's Saturn and head on down ol' highway 94 to the Windy City (or, rather, the Boring Tech Center in the Nondescript Suburb of the Windy City) to peddle their wares at Wizard World Chicago '06! And what better fuel on the night before the show than eating pancakes and watching V for Vendetta with Gene and Donn Ha? None, I tell you.
Labels: Conventions