Shad's Mom
People always ask if "Shad's Mom" is really my Mom. Yep, she's a former librarian who now works in human resources for the Army. She's lived overseas for most of my adult life but has recently moved to Illinois and got an incredible deal on a fancy-schmancy house that she's restoring. She spends most of her time reading and stripping woodwork. I figured that while we're down here for the holiday it'd be a good time for everyone to....Meet Shad's Mom:

Here she is making pasties for my Dad's birthday.

Mmmmmmm....pasties. Pronounced pass-ty.

Mom's sweet house that she's fixing up.
Oh Shad's Mom, why do you torture me so? Spending the weekend with this Shad guy and then having him post it on his blog. You're terrible... just terrible.
What is this? The paltry chocolate offerer raises his voice? For shame, #137&1/2! McGyver rules again.
Actually, the above post is from Shad's Mom, but I was typing too fast and hit post before adding the "Mom" part.
Hopefully, Shad will post the picture of what my favorite man brings when chocolate is offered!
Oh you devil! Send shad back with some yummies for everyone.
If you want to see why #1 is #1, then go to my new blog For a Wonka bar, that is all you get.
You could've won a trip to the Chocolate Factory Mrs. Shad's Mom but things just didn't work out that way.
... that sounds a little gross.
A little gross? Do you have ANY idea what number you just fell to? HINT: Start with a bazillion and I'll tell you when to stop...
I am still unbelievably jealous that Shad got pasties.
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