Meet Jason
It's 3 AM, do you know where your BTAers are? WORKING. We're wrapping up two big projects and then most of us are taking vacations or starting new companies. Did I let that slip?
So yeah, we're taking some big steps over the next couple of months that I can't wait to see come to fruition but until one of the dudes who helping to make it happen:
Jason The Audio Guy...soon to be Jason of Big Time Attic Audio.

Jason and I worked on the Microsoft Sales game a few years ago and now we're going to be working together all of the time as he'll soon be just across the hall in the new sound studio. When he's not rushing down here in the middle of the night, he's the audio engineer on a fantasy movie for a game publisher. Yet another dumb thing we're not supposed to talk about.
Here's Jason in his closer to natural environment:

Jason and Max finish up the Anime parody....Brit, Max, Jason, and I had a lot of fun doing the voices for this one:

OH NO Sayonara Attack!...good night.
You draw anime long time!
Did I hear the word "vacation?"
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