Big Central European Summer Time Attic
Here at BCESTA (UTC/Greenwich Mean Time + 2 hrs), we know how to do comics. It's not that they make more money than comics in The States (and believe me when I say from my headquarters in an armorized bunker in the Hague that comics in The States make A LOT of money.) and it's not so much that they're really any BETTER than the comics in The States (with Big Time Attic around!) ... it's just that well, let's say people in Amsterdam know how to party.
Here we are at the live auction of various household trinkets and garbage items to desparately raise funds for Lamelos, the Fort Thunder-like comic group. To set the mood and the speed at which the items were handed off to people, they began by auctioning off a live firework ... in the store ... near the priceless collection of famous comics.
Later, two copies of Michael Jackson's Thriller were sold simultaneously! To the same person! A once in a lifetime experience to witness, to be sure.
Maxeem, why do you hate me so?
no. no hate. only love.
Of course it's multi-cultural. Didn't you see "Hostel"?
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