Big Time Challenge #03
Hey, gang! The recurring Big Time Challenge is back in full swing with a special math-themed challenge, so screw on your thinking caps tight and let's dive in!
It looks like the BTA crew has decided to tackle the following calculus problem:

...and each person has arrived at a different answer! So, who's the Big Time Calculus Champ this week: Zander, Kevin, Shad, Brett, or Brit?

math + artists = sadness
oww... head hurts. I can do record keeping and accounting, and can fake my way though algerbra... but NOT calculus.
I'll... just say... Shad...
did I win?
Nope, it's not Shad. (But Shad is one smart dude in real life.)
I'll say Brett.
-ernest abdo
I guess Kevin. I'm never right about math (though I do think that sin(π) = 0).
oh no! what a time for my TI85 to run out of batteries.
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Yowza! Excellent effort, everyone. Actually, Ernest hit the proverbial nail on its head -- it is Brett. For those interested, the full run-down is here.
Shad will always win in my heart! Way to go BEST friend!
i allways knew i was some kind of brain genious
Maybe next time you can remember to get more batteries for your T185. j/k Brett....wish I had a chance to guess whom got it right....although for some reason I was thinking zander before reading the answer.
Good thing Math wasn't a required course at MCAD.
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