Ze Artiste

Sorry to have another picture of me*, but Julie and I are taking a community ed oil painting class (about which Joolie Doolie has blogged before). Julie hates the class, and judging by the attitude the teacher has taken to her, I can't blame her. I feel guilty, because the teacher's perfectly nice to me, though I wish there was a little more painting and a little less talking about painting.
It's interesting being a cartoonist by trade and learning oil painting. The nature of cartooning is to work in line first and color planes second, whereas with painting (at least the way I'm learning to paint) you put in the color planes first, figure out all of the color balance, and then actually do the eyelashes and glasses and mouth line and nostrils at the very very end. Weird. Counterintuitive to the max.
I also want to take this opportunity to make it clear that the things claimed by Brittney and Max on this blog are possibly not 100% true. For instance, I don't ACTUALLY fly a helicopter to work. I fly a TRUCK that TRANSFORMS into a helicopter.
And when Shad, Kevin, Max, and I speak, words do not actually appear in floating white balloons that point tails at our head. We make sounds.
*and sorry it looks like I just woke up.
Don't be sorry about your photo, site traffic goes up 25%. Apparently the ladies think that you're good looking for a nerd.
yes, maybe i shouldn't say this but my sister is a testament to this.
oh man, the blog link doesn't work!
it links to jooliesjournal/index instead of journal/index ...
Why can I see your wake-up picture and the cartoons and everything else on this blog, but not the car pictures? Are they secret classified car pictures or is there some horrible technical explaination involved that I won't understand anyway?
Brit hosted the car pictures on her server. You might have a military firewall blocking the server or some such.
Considering we stole those vehicles from the military, that makes loads of sense.
What military exactly? Because the Department of Defense denies ever even considering having vehicles like that....
(Well, they would deny them if they could see the pictures!!!)
The "hybrid" engine we refer to is a top secret technology stemming from a cross between interns and downed UFOs.
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